Thursday, June 17, 2010

You my style, ok?

I was really bummed to miss my brother David's graduation and open house this past week, but because of this rad tech-savvy world we're currently living in, I had the chance to be there in a cool cyber-space way.

After waking up early on Monday morning to talk to David on Skype, I went to school and I was feeling a little down. I was sad to miss out on seeing my relatives and celebrating this important time in my youngest brother's life.

As I was hiking up my mountain to school, a thought occurred to me: "why not skype David from my classroom? I could totally work that into a lesson!"

So after much haggling on the computer in the English Zone, I finally figured out how to do so. We didn't have a webcam, but through screen-sharing my students were able to see David, even though he wasn't able to see them.

Jordan (my second-to-youngest brother) was able to join the conversation, as well as many of my brothers' friends. My lower-level students were really shy, and afraid to speak, even though I tried to explain that my brothers couldn't see them. But the older students during 6th period (my brothers had to stay up until 3am their time to talk to them) were a lot more confident, and they had a great conversation!

The girls were pretty smitten with the boys, as is evidenced by this desk graffiti that I found on my way out of the classroom:

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